Men hore [Anseele] in zijn eigen taal, zijn Gents dialect, de zo soepele, kernachtige spraak, ruig en ruw, zo geestig ondeugend en slecht gemanierd, een beetje canaljeus zelfs

Paul Kenis (1930)

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Uit: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Collected Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, dl. 1 (1886),
gecit. ed.: The poetical works (1893), p. 259-260

Antwerp to Ghent

In dit bijna avantgardistische gedicht drukt de auteur zijn ervaring uit (na een boottocht op de Schelde) van een nachtelijke reis met de stoomtrein naar Gent, waarbij de stuwing ook in de versregels zit.

We are upon the Scheldt. We know we move
Because there is a floating at our eyes
Whatso they seek; and because all the things
Which on our outset were distinct and large
Are smaller and much weaker and quite grey,
And at last gone from us. No motion else.

We are upon the road. The thin swift moon
Runs with the running clouds that are the sky,
And with the running water runs – at whiles
Weak 'neath the film and heavy growth of reeds.
The country swims with motion. Time itself
Is consciously beside us, and perceived.
Our speed is such the sparks our engine leaves
Are burning after the whole train has passed.

The darkness is a tumult. We tear on,
The roll behind us and the cry before,
Constantly, in a lull of intense speed
And thunder. Any other sound is known
Merely by sight. The shrubs, the trees your eye
Scans for their growth, are far along in haze.
The sky has lost its clouds, and lies away
Oppressively at calm: the moon has failed:
Our speed has set the wind against us. Now
Our engine's heat is fiercer, and flings up
Great glares alongside. Wind and steam and speed
And clamour and the night. We are in Ghent.

[1849 September - 1849 October]

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[Auteurs] Rossetti, Dante Gabriel